Logic Pro X - Manuals
In 2013, when I released "Logic Pro X - How it Works" in my "Graphically Enhanced Manuals" series, it was the first book available for the brand new Logic Pro X v1.0. The book was a bestseller that I contiued to update over the years. Since then, I have added more Logic books to my library.
For every major update of Logic Pro X, I release a separate addendum book that covers all the new features and changes for that specific update. This is not just a list of the release notes or a quick overview with some highlights. All the books are written in the same graphicaly enhanced style with in-depth explanations that are often not found anywhere else.
The book for the Logic Pro X v10.4 and 10.5 update each has 230 pages.
My "Graphically Enhanced Manuals" are endorsed by Apple. The Logic Pro X products page on the Apple website has a link to my website
Endorsed by Apple
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