Logic Pro X - Tips, Tricks, Secrets #2 (Graphically Enhanced Manuals)


Logic Pro X - Tips, Trick, Secrets #2

100 pages |  8.5x11 |  pdf file: 58MB | 2015-1124

"Logic Pro X - Tips, Tricks, Secrets #2" provides even more hidden workflow improvements that every intermediate or advanced Logic user should know. It will take you to the next level.

After reading the first book "Logic Pro X - Tips Tricks, Secrets #1", you will still hear you say, "Oh, I didn't know that you can do this in Logic".

Again, congratulations on a really excellent manual! - Richard H.

”You have the gift of making difficult concepts understandable” - William B.

Thanks for a fantastic series of books - just what the doctor ordered. -Peter W.

Many thanks for the effort you put into these books. A true gem. - Alan M.

i like your book style. Cuts to the workings and is spot on for a full explanation. - Alan M.

Thank you for being at the forefront of the next generation of books! - Brian D.

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